Saturday, June 22, 2013


So before my scheduled workout for the day, I decided to go for a run. I had planned on running when I got up this morning, but it was raining. Gave it a few hours and the day turned into something nice. Just planned on going out like I normally do. Nothing normal about this run. Started out, but when I got to where I usually turn around, I didn't. I just kept going. Went over one bridge, then another, and another. Places I haven't been. Soon I was in the next town over. Another bridge. A tunnel. I just kept going. Zoned out. Kept pushing myself. Next thing I know I'm at the VFW two towns over. 10.53km. Ummm....great. Now what? I'm two towns away and the only way back is on foot. Well, I've come this far, I can't exactly just give up. So I turned around and started back.

The walk back was interesting. It started out good, but about half way, I just didn't want to go any more. I did stop at a park to sit for a minute and grab some more water. I could have called it quits there, called for a ride and that would have been it. Nope. I kept going. I wanted to stop. But I couldn't. I was in a position where stopping just was not an option. If I stopped, what was I going to do, just sit on the trail? Gotta keep going. Soon I started to see the village water tower. That picked me up a bit. I knew once I crossed over the highway I was in the final stretch. I thought for a moment of maybe calling and getting a ride from there back to my car, but that'd be stupid. I was so close. Just had to finish it out. Crossed the highway. Turned a bend and saw the fire house. I was only a few hundred yards away from my finish. Finally, the park came into view. I was done. 21.06km later I was finished.

Lessons learned: Think about where you park and how your going to get back.

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