I'm beginning to look beyond September. I know, I know. Don't get carried away you say. I can hear you already. But what fun is it to go forward with nothing to look forward to? With no goals to shoot for?
So what is beyond September you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Right now I'm about 90% sure that I'll race the Bolder Boulder race on Memorial Day. With that said, that is also going to include a trip out in April to do some running at that crazy altitude. I haven't nailed every thing down with this one, but at some point in the next few months, I'm going to start a fundraising campaign. Anything made over a certain dollar amount will be donated to a charity that I have yet to decide on. Lots to work out there. How cool would it be to say that you sponsored an athlete?
Then after that, I'm looking at a race in October or November in Florida as part of Disney's Wine & Dine event. That, if all goes to plan, will then stretch my distance out to a half marathon.
Beyond those two events, the sky's the limit! I'm really finding some momentum and really enjoying running. I never would have thought this was something I could get into. But I guess as part of getting into better shape, I'm looking at ways to put it to use (other than just looking good).
So stay tuned over the next few months to see what's next.
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